Here is one of the visions/communications given this morning by the Grandfather Spirits. But first some background so folks don’t misunderstand the point of this vision.

I just watched for the first time the Reservation Dogs TV series which began last August (2021). It depicts the life of a group of Muscogee Indian teens living in the fictional rez town of Okern, Oklahoma.

Anyway, I think the series is pretty good because it can actually encourage younger American Indian kids to start reaching out to their local traditional leaders on various Rezes so they can learn their respective tribal cultures. Sadly, we’ve got allot of Indian kids who aren’t receiving real Traditional instruction anymore because their parents and even Baby Boomer grandparents…have spent the better part of their lives being irresponsible. Frankly many of these parental figures themselves know very little about their own tribal cultures.

That said, many of the teachings and even events depicted in Reservation Dogs appear to likely have been pilfered from Lakota communities in South Dakota. For instance the theft of that delivery truck in the first episode. That event actually occurred on the Cheyenne River Sioux Rez over 20 years ago. Some tribal member was just walking down the street one day, saw the delivery truck idling outside the grocery store, decided he wanted to take a cruise, hopped in and was eventually captured about 80 miles away near Pierre, SD. As far as I recall, his only reason for doing so was just to have some fun. (Snicker). Ah, the Rez!

Ok. As you’ll recall I warned Traditional American Indians in an old blog to be cautious when sharing Traditional knowledge on social media or even when their smart phones are in listening distance. The Lakota especially have been targeted for decades for surveillance. This is because of what went down in the 1970s with AIM (American Indian Movement). I know because my hunka dad was pretty influential in AIM and I experienced this Fed surveillance with him and in real time. Shoot, the Feds have even flown surveillance planes over Sun Dance ceremonials.

Like I noted in that former blog, the Dark Path Occultists who run the CIA/NSA etc…believe they should act like their Prometheus archetype and so steal all forms of information/technology from others. This includes the hidden spiritual technology and traditions of American Indians. They harvest what they can for occult power, copyright the rest and then sell it to make money. So we got a company that has now copyrighted stories like that one about that delivery truck. Any Lakota who ever tries to write about this old Rez story will either 1) be called a poser stealing from Reservation Dogs and/or 2) get sued by White dudes over in Hollywood for copyright infringement. Again, I’m telling you all that allot of the Traditional teachings or just plain old Rez stories/themes depicted in Reservation Dogs are from Lakota Country. Clandestinely Fed recorded conversations between Lakotas is nothing new. Some of the teachings/stories in Reservation Dogs are just way to specific to places like Cheyenne River or Pine Ridge. Such teachings/stories aren’t even commonly known outside of various Traditional Lakota Tiospayes (extended families).

Additionally, in other former blogs, I’ve stressed how these White interlopers have been trying to attach their Leftist and Luciferian thought forms to the credibility of Traditional Lakota/American Indian tribal spiritualities/cultures.

Non-Indians need to realize that when a person is truly raised in a Traditional American Indian culture they look at White culture via that lens. The terms Left, far-Right, Social Conservative, SJW are all White terms. When asked where we fall on this White spectrum, we do our best to identify which category is the most similar to our ways. It’s never a perfect fit.

What I’m telling you, based on how I was raised/trained up…real Traditional Plains Indians are closest to the Social Conservative label. We deeply believe in God, are opposed to abortion, have strong warrior traditions and oppose all forms of sexual activity outside of hetero-sexual intercourse between a biological man and woman who are married. We also don’t have these gazillion made up genders that the White LGBTQ+ Movement is pushing. On the flip side…because we are Tribes and are more communal, we therefore believe that Americans should help one another materially. Thus we aren’t obsessed with attacking single mothers on Welfare.

[Quick Side Note: I’ve noticed that these supposedly anti-House of Ba’al shows on channels like OAN are always trying to attach anti-Welfare narratives to everything. Looks like Divide & Conquer to me. Most Black folks, Latinos, Asians and real Traditional American Indians are socially/religiously conservative. We don’t like how the Dems have mutated into a party openly pushing the House of Ba’al’s anti-God agenda. So of course false front disinfo operatives in fake Conservative Media are now being deployed to get the old White-Right majority all riled up about Welfare…in a bid to keep minorities from supporting the Republicans. The House of Ba’al controlled Republican establishment doesn’t want all these real conservatives supporting them anyway. Once these minorities start demanding that these politicians act like the Social Conservatives they claim to be…they will be exposed as the frauds they really are. That’s because the House of Ba’al won’t allow their Senate dogs to actually legislatively undermine their agendas.]

Ok. Back to the topic of Lakota sexuality. Though the following is not directly relevant to the vision I’m about to share. I just wanted to communicate this because it’s a more specific explanation about how real Traditional Lakota men are taught to view sex.

I was taught by my elders and infact the Grandfather Spirits themselves during ceremony…that if you’re a man and want to have sex, then get married. When I first moved back to the Rez, I was with this gal that I wasn’t married to. We were sleeping together. I was still young then and got edumacated by my hunka dad and the Grandfather Spirits. The Grandfathers said that it was forbidden to turn women into whores via sex outside wedlock and then throw them away.

FYI, sex is a powerful thing to females. Particularly before they become all jaded after being used up by selfish guys. Before that jading, females have sex because they love a guy. They know he wants it, they don’t want to lose him and maybe want to try it out too thinking that marriage is coming anyway. So they surrender and make love to their man. At that moment they are in the most vulnerable state a woman can ever be in. It is the ultimate act of surrender based on a trust…that any woman can ever offer to a man that they love. So like my elders and the Grandfather Spirits taught me (paraphrase):

“Have COMPASSION and RESPECT and don’t play around with women by using them that way. Marry them if you want that (aka sex). Remember that that girl is some guy’s daughter, sister, niece or grand-daughter. When she was little these men bounced her on their knees and loved her. Would you want someone to do that to your daughter or sister? Then why do you do it to someone else’s?”

Ok. So thanks for listening. Now here’s the vision. Once stated I’ll reconnect it to what I shared regarding this infiltrating, misrepresenting and hijacking of American Indian traditions for non-Indian agendas.

[I was working with a group from the BFRO (Bigfoot Filed Researchers Organization) up in Oregon/Washington State. We were having meeting in a coffee shop in some remote coastal town. Allot of tourists happened to be in this area and were in the coffee shop too. This included the common White SJW looking types that glut the Pacific Northwest. As I was sitting there at a table working with one of our field team, a SJW White dude with long blonde hair came in looking for us. He was with some other Big Foot group that was working with this unit of the BFRO and had just received a call/complaint about me from an American Indian woman. He approached our table and asked, “Are guys with the BFRO and is a guy named Kevin with you?” I responded, “Yes we are. I’m Kevin. What’s up? What do you need?”

He then looked at me kinda funny, went silent and then said, “There must have been some mistake here? Is there a leader of this BFRO group I can speak to?” The other field team member with me then replied and pointed, “Yeah. He’s over there by the check-out counter.” The guy then walked away to go find him. I then looked over and noticed that this individual had accidentally laid on the table some note he had brought. I picked it up and then flipped it over. It was a message/note card taken by their secretary and was based on the phone conversation she had with the American Indian making complaints about me. Here is the part of it I saw via a quick scan:

“His name is Kevin. He’s an Indian. He was rude during our conversation. He was also clearly ‘un-Progressive’.”

In the vision, I then remembered the phone conversation I’d had with this Indian woman. She was one of these Rez Indian activist types that didn’t come from a real Traditional family/background. The Indian identity police type always spreading White-Leftist-academic-revisionist-SJW horseshit and trying to pass it off as legit American Indian tradition. During that conversation she asked me some questions about Traditional Plains Indian beliefs regarding the Big Foot and I told her things that didn’t correlate with the fake Indian narratives she was spouting. She got hostile and I then politely told her that our real Traditions/Teachings were not made to correlate with her White/non-Indian sensibilities. These traditions are what they are.

Apparently this had super pissed her off and so she did what this type of nasty Indian woman always does. She started strategically/viscously calling around trying to cause me serious trouble and undermine my reputation. Everyone who’s ever lived on an Indian Reservation knows exactly the type of female I’m talking about.

Anyway, the Grandfather Spirits communicated that when that blonde White guy came to confront me, he got confused. I look White, but also had all these old school tattoos on my face. My name is Kevin, but I didn’t look Indian to him. What’s more, he had assumed I must be an SJW like everyone else in the Pacific Northwest because of my tattoos.

I then thought to myself in the vision (paraphrase): “Typical nasty garbage from fake Traditional Indian women. Unbelievable. This woman is really trying to misrepresent and use old Indian stories about Bigfoot to push some White Progressive social engineering agenda. Now old school American Indian Traditionals who refuse to lie about our folkloric stories…are being targeted by these people as threats to their political power grabs. They are sending the thought police gestapo after us over Big Foot stories.” The vision then ended.]

So everyone gets the message here. It’s pretty obvious. We got Whites and actual members of our Tribes regularly attacking real Traditional American Indian folks in this way. Even trying to ridiculously/outlandishly misrepresent American Indian folkloric stories so that they promote their social, political and spiritual agendas. Me talking now. Come on man…these are Big Foot stories! Jesus Christ! We’ve really gotten to this point? SMH. Indian elders must now depict Big Foot as a vegan transgender in support of the Great Reset?

Ok. So why this vision from the Grandfathers? Well beyond the already discussed surveillance, theft, misrepresentation and hijacking of American Indian traditions…the Good Grandfather Spirits don’t like the promotion of demonic entities or being equated with them.

The show Reservation Dogs had two episodes in which Deer Woman and the Big Foot man were portrayed. At least as far as Lakota Culture is concerned…the Deer Man and Deer Woman entities are not good creatures. They are demonic shapshifter beings that try to hurt or kill people. I’ve literally seen a Deer Man. He tried to cause me to crash on a remote road covered in black ice. It was pitch black out and he had glowing red eyes. Maybe at some point I’ll share that story in it’s entirety. This glowing red eyes topic now leads me to briefly note the depiction of the Big Foot man in Reservation Dogs. Can’t remember what episode it was, but that Big Foot was depicted as having such glowing red eyes.

In Lakota culture we are taught that any entity that has glowing red eyes which are illuminated from an internal source (aka from within the body)…is demonic in nature. For obvious reasons, to be a legit sighting…such entities are often seen at night and no man made light source can be directed at their face. That’s because some folks occasionally confuse red eye shine/glow with this demonic phenomenon.

As for equating demonic entities with the Good Grandfather Spirits…Reservations Dogs’ Deer Woman was portrayed as a sympathetic character who was killing bad guys with antler horns. Kinda sounds like people trying to promote the old Devil’s Horns imagery we saw during the Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony on June 1, 2016. Check that out. These House of Ba’al of elites are some degenerate folks. Remember, the CIA runs Hollywood and is the most effective branch of the House of Ba’al. Again, they also like to surveil, record, steal and misrepresent Traditional American Indian teachings for their agendas. I don’t know? Maybe the Oklahoma Tribes really think that Deer Woman is some kind of good demon? Every Lakota story I’ve ever heard indicates that she isn’t. And again, glowing red eyes always indicates a demonic entity folks. Never something good…ever! Hey, but the House of Ba’al says demons are good. Thumbs up!

Closing Note: You know I never wanted to publicly share any of this Traditional Plains Indian cultural knowledge. I was initially forced to because a bunch of AntiFa hijackers infiltrated the Standing NO-DAPL effort by claiming to be a Traditional Lakota Akicita (Soldier) Society. They called themselves the Red Warriors. What a mess they caused and the REAL local Lakotas ended up getting jacketed with their crimes/violence. Since then, I have been outing this type of hijacking and indeed was in many instances instructed by the Grandfather Spirits themselves to do so. In the process I was required to share the real Lakota teachings to counter similar lies and cultural hijacking attempts.

Ok. Below are links to some of the former blogs either referenced above or related to the topics discussed:









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