So I’m watching a show yesterday. One that purports to represent the voice of patriotic loyal Americans.

Yet, on this show they have a guest who admits to being a former high level intelligence asset that helped to stage coups throughout the world. This person then proceeds to explain to us stupid Americans that the US Constitution is antiquated and of little significance.

Interestingly, just like many of the embedded far-Left talking heads that also constantly push this anti-US Constitution narrative…and are presently trying to stage an overthrow of our country…this person is a first generation American.

Seems to be a pattern here.

US intelligence operatives who are openly anti-Constitution…from family histories with little allegiance to our culture or heritage.

News Flash: The US Constitution, it’s checks & balances and the Bill of Rights are the ONLY things that have enabled Americans to remain free from being subjugated by the would-be tyrants that long ago infiltrated and then hijacked American Intelligence.

Our Constitution is not antiquated or primitive. Infact, it is the most advanced man made document in human history and is the bulwark that maintains our nation as the last stand before the wave of authoritarianism presently sweeping this planet.

What is a bulwark?

Merriam-Webster Definition:

-a solid wall-like structure raised for defense :rampart, :breakwater, seawall building a bulwark in the harbor

-a strong support or protection

So, I’m not buying that this guy’s intentions are sincere. When a former major intelligence operative that used to overthrow countries, starts labeling the US Constitution as antiquated…just like the folks trying to overthrow our country…you’d have to be pretty dense to not recognize that as a huge red flag. This individual was also clearly trying to discourage the shows viewing audience from mobilizing RIGHT NOW to resist the societal takeover that is obviously underway.

BTW: I can understand questioning the actual journalist contributors of broadcasts, but when viewers simply point out that certain guests of this show regularly say and do things which contradict their claims to be defending our country…this does not make those viewers “deep state operatives” seeking to “infiltrate” said media operation. Just saying in case that’s in anyone’s bonnet. Jesus man, your viewers weren’t the ones who wore an Occult symbol on their polo shirt during a global broadcast nor have they ever likely run with the members of the Secret Society that uses it as their emblem.

Someone needs to open their eyes. The public wants to be supportive, but that image that man wore was clearly being used as a herald of some sort. The things that the other guest was saying was clearly corrosive to developing resistance efforts. He was the one dismissing the Constitution.

Guys, we really are looking at the rise of the anti-Christ system right now.

What does the Bible say about the anti-Christ and his armies in the Book of Daniel? What does the Book of Revelations specify?

That the strongest fortresses (aka bulwarks) will mobilize to defeat the Enemy under the leadership of a Christian and Jewish army. The term “fortress” in the Old Testament was used to refer to independent nation states.

What does this all mean for the USA?

It seems unlikely to me that the USA will completely fall under the oppression of the Enemy. It is undeniable that our country is 1) the most advanced military power on this planet, while 2) being a predominantly Christian nation.

Christians need to read and understand their Bible before making emphatic doomsday predictions. They are taking translated verses that were using poetic flourish in their native tongues as literal statements in English.

The following is taken from Christian Worldview Press.

“[I’m of course referring to the Bible verse from]…Revelation 13:7-8 that says, “And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast – all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb …”

“We must remember from all the passages above that there will be wars and resisting nations. So, how does one reconcile Revelation 13 with everything else that we know? Daniel 5:19 is a good place to look. It says concerning Nebuchadnezzar that “…all the peoples and nations and men of every language dreaded and feared him.” Revelation uses the Greek words laon, phyle, glossa, and ethnos; the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) uses laos, phule, and glossa. Daniel and revelation are conveying the same idea using the same words. Richardson notes:

If we interpret Daniel’s passage without acknowledging its use of hyperbole, we would be forced to conclude that King Nebuchadnezzar was literally feared by every human on the earth. But he was not even heard of by every single person in every part of the entire planet, let alone greatly feared by them. So based on our knowledge of history and common sense, we acknowledge the use of hyperbole in this passage too. Likewise, Revelation 13:7-8 does not mean every last person on the earth worships the beast, but instead, a multitude from numerous nations and people groups.”

Here’s the link:

So there you go. The USA has a good chance (based on Biblical Prophecy) as being one of the nations helping to lead the great allied army which will defeat the anti-Christ system. Inversely, if we aren’t careful and fail to rise up to resist those presently attempting to undermine our culture while plotting to overthrow the USA…our country might actually be the very nation used to usher the anti-Christ into power. It’s kinda up to us.


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