The great human power is our capacity to tap into the awesome positive spiritual power of the Real One God. He has many names….Yahweh, Ate Wakan Tanka, Usen, Maheo. Some call Him “The Essence”, “The Causes to Exist” and “The Bringer Out of the Void Into Being”.

Yesterday I was watching an episode of Ancient Aliens in which they informed their largely younger viewing audience that God didn’t exist. All these profound spiritual events recorded from cultures throughout human history were simply ET contacts or ET telepathic manipulations. The message….”Doubt the existence of God.” [N: Ancient Aliens is produced by some group called “Prometheus”. I’ve spoken before about what the Prometheus allegory means for Occultists.]

In my opinion, this show is being used as a tool to program/brainwash young people into New Age/Occultism….while pulling them away from traditional monotheistic faith systems.

It is curious that shows like Ancient Aliens acknowledge dimensional planes, string theory, the multi-verse, positive/negative vibration, light/dark…but simply refuses to promote the idea that a Spiritual Entity beyond their comprehension brought such things into Being. We Lakota acknowledge Him, as do many Indigenous peoples. One of our names for Him is the Great Mystery. He exists, brought all that Is into Being and no one will ever be able to grasp it. Thus He is the Great Mystery. He lives in a dimensional plane of positive vibration and light. Shoot, even guys like Stephen Hawkings and Elon Musk have stated that it appears our physical universe was created by some form of intelligence. So what’s going on? Why the denial?

The Most Ungood One and his servants from the dimension of Darkness can only influence events in our dimensional plane via the minds of humans. The powerful pulling the strings in mass media are Dark Path Occultists/New Agers. This is why we are now seeing so much mass media promoting forms of Dark Path Occultism, witchcraft and unbelief in the One God. These elites know that God exists…but His awesome power can not be harnessed by their enemies unless they have faith in Him and engage in prayer. They seek to recruit the ones they can into their dark spirituality and get the rest to reject that He even exists. Thus such shows are designed to 1) recruit our young, while 2) sowing seeds of doubt in their minds regarding the existence of God. Without positive spiritual faith, compassionate intentions and prayer to God…it is very hard to defeat those harnessing the spiritual power of Darkness/The Most Ungood One. Propaganda warfare of the most serious type designed to eventually not only defeat our society…but to enslave our bodies and souls. And American youth are their targets.

To close, yes Alien life is real. Yes, a Star Nation species did design us. Yes, this species for a time…aeons ago…masqueraded as gods to control humanity. But…this reality doesn’t negate the fact that our physical universe was indeed created by an advanced intelligence far beyond our comprehension. Even our own science tells us this. I tell you now…this force is exactly who He says He is. A spiritual entity, that is the Essence of all that has ever been and who brought everything out of the void into Being. He is “The Causes to Exist” aka Yahweh aka God. Don’t buy into the propaganda of the enemy designed to weaken our resistance. Also, if a parent or person of influence…get off your butts and denounce such media. Instruct the youth about what this media is meant to accomplish, while taking time to spiritualy instruct your kids. Put down the Smart Phones and turn off the football game. Actually parent for Christ’s sake. Prayer, prayer and more prayer.